Buying tickets
- How do I claim Mobile Transfer Tickets?
- Why do some tickets have a verified mark/what are verified sellers?
- Can I search tickets by price, quantity or event date?
- Why can’t I see the seat numbers for certain ticket listings?
- Will ticket prices drop if I wait to buy?
- Can I negotiate ticket prices on TicketX?
- My tickets are being shipped. When should I expect my tickets?
- Do I need to print my tickets?
- Can I receive my tickets outside the US?
- Can I transfer my tickets to someone else?
- Do I have to pay shipping fees?
- Am I allowed to choose or change the delivery method?
- Can I buy tickets for somebody else?
- The listing I want to order doesn't let me choose the amount of tickets
- Can I purchase tickets over the phone?
- How do I know if my order is placed?
- My tickets aren't working. What should I do?
- I entered the wrong email or shipping address for my order. How can I change it?
- My tickets were lost/destroyed/stolen. Can I have them resent to me?
- I'm getting an error when I try to buy tickets at the checkout.